Himal Kadaria   Producer
Movie's Credit : Cast / Producer / Story


Himal Kadaria is an energetic, creative, young, professional, and passionate Nepali movie producer hailing from Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu, Nepal. Mr. Kadaria is a valued member of the Nepal Film Producers Association, the national association of film producers in Nepal

Summary of this Profile

Name Himal Kadaria
Birth Date August 4 1995
Current Address Kathmandu
Nationality Nepali

He is the chairperson of 'Clock Work Creation Pvt. Ltd., Kathmandu, Nepal,' a film production company. He has successfully produced notable Nepali feature films such as 'Rato Galbandi' and 'Nango Gaun.' Besides film production, he has also acted and written stories for the movie 'Rato Galbandi.' With extraordinary vision, creative flair, and a passion for filmmaking, he has established himself in a short period as a prominent and influential Nepali movie producer.

He has produced movies with original stories and effectively conveyed the intended narratives through his films. As a producer, he consistently delivers high-quality movies that touch the hearts of the audience and contribute to the development of Nepal's movie industry. He produces movies with powerful stories that deeply connect with audiences, and imparting positive energy through the movie. 

He collaborates with fellow moviemakers to promote Nepali art, culture, and movies in the global market, showcasing their rich heritage to a worldwide audience.

His unwavering commitment and dedication have not only fostered a strong belief in his capabilities but have also instilled confidence that he will continue to make significant contributions to Nepal's film landscape, catering to a large and diverse audience.



Special Film Honor

Honor By : Active Entertainment Pvt.Ltd.
Occasion : 2nd National Active Music Award 2023