Najir Hussain   
Movie's Credit : Cast
Song's Credit : Cast

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They used to say the world is according to us but actually its not-Actor Najir Husen

LensNepal August 30, 2020
They used to say the world is according to us but actually its not-Actor Najir Husen

Actor Najir Husen writes poetry as well as acting well. The poem written by Najir for Nirmala Pant, a girl from Kanchanpur, who was murdered after being raped, went viral on social media a few days ago.

Najir, who is rich in literary mind, expresses his feelings in poetry. A few days ago, while speaking on the TV Filmy program 'Filmy Bahas', Najir presented his life experience through poetry. Program host Bishnu Subedi asked what life?, He recited a poem with the experience of life which is as follows:

If someone asked me, What is love? me? 
I would plant a beautiful flower in my yard (म एउटा सुन्दर फूल मेरो आँगनमा रोप्थे होला)

If someone asks me, What is relationship? 
I would ask the river, the relationship with the shore (म खोलासँग सोध्थे होला, किनार सँगको सम्बन्ध)
If someone asks me, What is life?
I would be stunned (म स्तब्ध हुन्थे होला)
Ithis phase of life

yesterday, at this point in life i lost my loved ones
Today, at this point in life i am losing strangers
they used to say the world is according to us but actually its not

(हिजो जीवनको यही मोडमा
मैले मेरा आफ्नाहरु गुमाए
आज जीवनको यही मोडमा
परायाहरु गुमाउँदै छु
संसार आफु अनुसार भन्थे
कहाँ हुँदो रहेछ र)